adakah anda tahu mereka enggan bermain apabila di suruh membuka jilbab, Iran di kira kalah 0-3 kepada Jordan secara automatikk dalam kelayakan olimpik,![]() |
Reaksi pasukan kebangsaan Iran selepas tersingkir dari kelayakan olimpik 2012 pada jun 2011. (reuters)
The dispute over observant Muslim women player’s headdress led in June to the disqualification of the Iranian women’s national team after they appeared on the pitch in the Jordanian capital Amman for a 2012 London Olympics qualifier against Jordan wearing the hijab. Three Jordanian players who wear the hijab were also barred.
Pada Jun tahun lalu, FIFA telah membanned pemakaian niqab atau jilbab dalam bolasepak ,walaupun awalnya membenarkan.
FIFA dalam kenyataannya mengatakan bahawa larangan pemakaian jilbab atas sebab keselamatan
FIFA said the ban on the Islamic scarf covering a women’s neck was for safety reasons.
The ambassador called FIFA’s ban “extremism,” similar to Afghanistan’s Taleban restrictions on women in sports.
FIFA banned the hijab in 2007 and has extended the safety rule to include neck warmers.
At the 2010 Youth Olympics, Iran’s girls protected their modesty by covering their hair with specially designed caps.
rujuk (arabnews)
Aku pernah tengok dokumentari bolasepak perempuan Iran ni kat channel History ke National Geography tapi aku tak ingat, yang pasti 5 channel dokumentari tu. Seriously aku tersentuh.'
Seperti yang kita tahu, Iran adalah republik Islam yang sangat-sangat tegas. So, memang dalam stadium perempuan tak boleh masuk, ke kene pisahkan tempat duduk
So, dokumentari ni fokuskan kat seorang gadis iran ni yang sangat-sangat minat bolasepak, terpaksalah dia menyelit masuk, dan berusaha nak tengok match (ni berdasarkan ingatan aku la)
So, lastly team perempuan bolasepak dieorang terbentuk. DAN MEMAKAI JILBAB!
Mengikut sumber aku, FIFA akan buat meeting pada 3 haribulan 3 iaitu lusa untuk membincangkan perihal larangan ni.
AFC menerusi presiden sementara Zhang Jilong telah menghantar surat rasmi untuk menyokong pembatalan larangan ini.
Apa yang mengejutkan United Nations atau PBB sendiri menyokong Iran untuk meneruskan pemakaian jilbab ini.
United Nations urges FIFA to allow hijab headscarf
Published February 29, 2012
GENEVA (AP) – The United Nations has urged FIFA to allow Islamic women players to wear a hijab headscarf.
The U.N. says Wilfried Lemke, sports adviser to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, has written to FIFA President Sepp Blatter backing a proposal being considered at a meeting on Saturday.
Lemke writes that ''FIFA has the responsibility to ensure that everyone has an equal chance to participate in football.''
FIFA outlawed hijabs for safety reasons in 2007, and allowed a cap which some players object to because it exposes their neck.
FIFA's rules panel meets in England, and will receive a presentation from FIFA vice president Prince Ali of Jordan to allow a headscarf held in place by a Velcro fastener.
sumber: sini
Aku terfikir, mereka menjaga aurat sehabis mungkin, tapi kita? dah bebas dengan ayat ikut perkembangan dunia tapi bolasepak perempuan tahap kene bar dengan FAM.
Aku tahu sebenarnya perempuan kat Malaysia ni minat bola tapi terikat dengan tradisi dan adat-adat timur.
Muslim women are being driven away from football by FIFA’s ban on the hijab, the Islamic headscarf, with more likely to follow if rule makers fail to reverse the decision at a meeting next month, Prince Ali Bin Al-Hussein of Jordan told Reuters.
While physical Olympic sports such as rugby and taekwondo allow Muslim women to wear the headscarf in competition, football, the world’s most popular sport, remains against its use, citing safety concerns.
Last year, the Iranian women’s football team was prevented from playing their 2012 Olympic second-round qualifying match against Jordan because they refused to remove their hijabs before kick-off.
Iran had topped their group in the first round of Olympic qualifiers after going undefeated, however the Asian nation were given 3-0 defeats in their four second-round matches because of their failure to comply with the rules, their dreams of competing in London abruptly ended.
“It is very important that everybody has the chance to play the sport that they love, and obviously the laws of the games have to be amended to allow that,” Prince Ali, a FIFA vice-president, told Reuters in an interview in Singapore.
“I think that football, being the most popular sport in the world, accessible to all, we should take the lead on this issue and therefore that is what we are trying to pursue and hopefully we will get a pass from IFAB.”
Founded in 1886, IFAB, or the International Football Association Board, is football’s ultimate law-making body comprising four members from the sport’s world governing body, FIFA, and four from the British associations.
They will hold a meeting in England on 3 March at which Prince Ali will present the case for allowing players to use a Dutch-designed Velcro hijab which comes apart if pulled and, he hopes, will remove safety concerns.
“As far as I’m concerned, I want to make sure and guarantee what it is – that football is for everyone,” said the Prince, who at 36 is the youngest member of FIFA’s all-powerful executive committee.
“If you look at other sports such as rugby, they are allowed to play so therefore we hope it will be the same case with football.”
A three-quarters majority is required for the proposal to be passed by IFAB, who first banned the hijab in 2007 when 11-year-old Asmahan Mansour was prevented from playing a match by the Quebec Soccer Federation after she refused to remove her headscarf.
“I do hope and do believe that if common sense does prevail all will be supportive of this, why not?
“I don’t like the politics; we are going straight to the point which is to allow all of our players to participate on all levels,” Prince Ali said.
In 2010, FIFA adjusted their rules to allow a cap that covers the player’s heads to the headline but did not extend below the ears to cover the neck.
Asked if he was concerned that Muslim women would turn away from the sport if IFAB fail to permit a full headscarf, Prince Ali said it may already be too late for some.
“Well I think already we have seen that, and I think that is very unfortunate. I think we need to give the right to [play] to everyone across the world and we have to respect each other's cultures.”
FIFA’s reluctance to allow the full headscarf on concerns over safety appears overly strict. Prince Ali, who suggested long hair was more likely to cause injury on the field, said that his findings had not uncovered any hijab-related injuries in women’s football matches.
“If you want to have a fancy hairdo, or whatever, just let them play, and I think there are so many women out there who have the right to do this and participate in this sport.
“If you look at FIFA as well, they spend about 15 per cent of their budget on developing women’s football, but when it comes to playing at this level they are suddenly banned and we have to change that.”
While the campaign has royal approval, members of the Jordanian women’s team have used the modern-day method of social networking to highlight the campaign.
A Facebook page called "let us play" has been launched and attracted more than 30,000 "likes," while the players have also used national radio to boost their message.
Prince Ali said he was confident that, with approximately 650 million headscarf wearers globally, the number of Muslim women playing football would rise on the back of the campaign if IFAB reversed their decision.
“I think definitely, definitely. Just give them the opportunity and let them make their choices. It is a game for the world – that’s what makes football what it is. It is a very, very special game and therefore we should allow full participation.” -AHRAM ONLINE ,10 FEB 2012
The ball is now being passed to FIFA. It has only to pass it back. Let them play.
The ball is now being passed to FIFA. It has only to pass it back. Let them play.